20 Jun
Creating From the Well Spring of Peace
A vision for our existence with God that is based on peace is crucial in a world that often feels like it is overtaken by violence. It is not difficult to locate violence; in fact, it frequently finds us. This includes violence within ourselves as well as between people, communities, and nations. The destructive force […]
15 May
Victory Over the Spirit of Fear
Are you prepared to discover how to dismantle the spirit of fear the enemy has erected in your mind and heart? Jesus revealed the solution to you. The first step to overcoming the spirit of fear is by rearranging your priorities and combating it with fervent prayers. This is precisely what He was referring to […]
13 Apr
It’s for All
There is no lottery to determine who will receive the Holy Spirit; only a few are chosen. It’s not a random game. No one is a winner or a loser. God equips those He calls. Power is more than enough for everyone. No one is excluded, and there are no leftovers. Don’t rule yourself out if you’ve previously been endorsed. The Bible is precise and without ambiguity. The Holy Spirit baptism is not merely for a select group of people who are “God’s favorites.” God does not favor anyone. We are all His favorites, in actuality. Acts 2:3 and 4 tell us that there were 120 men and […]
Mountain Top University is an institution established with a mandate to transform and rejuvenate the social-economic and political ethos of the nation. The University operates with the concept of developing the total man and this is encapsulated in the training of body, mind and spirit.
The proprietor of the Mountain Top University is the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM), a Christian missionary organisation founded by Dr. Daniel Kolawole Olukoya.